Friday, July 31, 2009

I am still here...

Well, I have totally been sucking about updating all of you on the details of my cross country adventure. I fell off the bandwagon when i injured my back in Denver.
I had a phenomenal time hanging out with Pam and Amanda and Ted and Emilly. I am sort of toying with the idea of moving there after graduation. Pam tells me that Colorado is a stimulus state; thus job availability. Hopefully the economy is better when i am done with school. It is only a short 11 months from now. Wow, i haven't even started yet.
I really enjoyed the laid back feeling of Denver. It was a nice change from San Francisco and even the east bay. Sometimes its hard for me to keep with being "cool". It was also nice to be with Pam. She's pretty much one of the coolest people i know. Its like so familial when we are together. We pick up right where we left off. It would be nice to be out of the strained economy of California but still be near "family".
Due to the fact that my back was all awry, we didn't do much active stuff in Denver. We did a lot of hanging out and shooting the shit. Which is what we do best. Got to hang with Ted and Emilly before they took off to Hawaii, which was awesome. It's always good to hang out with those folks. I am looking forward to their wedding in September and the Seattle crew reunion that is gonna go down two weekends in a row!
I headed out of Denver towards Ann Arbor on Thursday. I made it as far as Des Moines Iowa. Iowa is pretty. Lots of corn. But very lush. There were a lot of big trucks too. I took some pictures of hay for my sister who points out hay by saying "Hay!" every time she sees it. It never ceases to amuse her. (Which in turn amuses me because she is such a nerd. :))
I stayed in a hotel in Des Moines. My back was a little stiff so i didn't do anything but order Mexican food from a local restaurant and then go back to my room and watch lost on my laptop. I brought my netflix with me (random). I did manage to drink a much needed beer at the bar at the mexican restaurant while they made my food to go. Ten hours in the car really takes a toll on the psyche. I kept seeing landscape flying past my peripheral every time i would close my eyes. I popped a muscle relaxer and crashed out. Thank god for air conditioning.
I headed out for another long day of driving the next day; slating to arrive in Ann Arbor by early evening.
Driving through Chicago was a nightmare. Road construction and tons of big trucks made me feel so small and unsafe on foreign highways. My truck made the trip and steered me directly to Ann Arbor. Michigan drivers are awful! They will run right up to your bumper and drive impatiently until you move out of their way. I was talking to Vince about it and he was saying it's the car culture. Which totally makes sense. The Ford industry started in Detroit and EVERYBODY drives giving them a crazy sense of entitlement on the road.
I make it to Ann Arbor and Lisa meets me on her huge porch and we enjoy some wine and catch up conversation. It was good to see her. You know good friends by the fact that you are able to pick up right where you left off without any awkwardness. Again i have to reiterate the relationships i made in Seattle. We created family with each other. Most of us were transplants with blood relatives thousands of miles away. There is something to be said about that.
Lisa and i head over to her Social Work Department's kick ball game. We just watch and Lisa plays photographer. We get complimentary shirts. I am sitting on the bleachers making my occasional smart-ass remarks (as you all know i am prone to ;)) and i look around and am thinking that my eyes are tired from the road but then i realize there are fireflies out. This is my first experience seeing them. They are just like brief flashes of light floating out between trees. I gasp and smile. During my drive i crossed over into east coast time. I am more than half way to my destination. I am still in denial that i am not going to end up in California at the end of this adventure but fucking a... the fireflies are amazing right now!!!!!!
After the kickball game we head on down to the bars for a bar crawl with the social work department. I hang out with some of Lisa's folks who are all really awesome. We have a good time do a little dancing (i know i know). Conversations are great.
After a while Lisa and i head back to her house and crash out.
The next day is filled with pedicures, exploring Ann Arbor, some shopping, with periodic stops to hang out on the porch. We spontaneously head to a barbeque at a friends house and then go watch "Away We Go" with Lisa's roommate Meghan. Really awesome. Makes me love Jim even more. :)
I take off on Sunday and head to New York near Niagra Falls via Canada. As i enter Canada, it starts raining and as i pass through the border it starts POURING! Thank goodness i put RainX on my windshield before leaving California, otherwise my two setting windshield wipers wouldn't have even made a dent in the downpour. Luckily Rita (my truck) and i make it through and the sun peeps through. I navigate my way over to the other side of the small piece of Canada i scheduled to traverse on this trip. I arrive in Hamilton which is where i am supposed to change highways to take the last leg back into the U.S. and i get re-routed down city streets along with the rest of the travelers. After several more re-routings and an hour and a half of aimless wandering through the slums of Hamilton Ontario; past housing projects and abandoned storefronts, and an increasing sense of frustration on my part. I follow a street that, on my map, goes in the same general direction i am supposed to be going, i randomly stumble across the freeway that i was supposed to catch earlier in the day. Turns out, due to the crazy downpour i drove through earlier in the day, the freeway interchanges were all flooded and there was no way to get out of the city via the highway. I am so thankful for the huge atlas that i bought for this trip with a zoomed image of the city of Hamilton and for my increasingly amazing sense of direction. :) (tooting my own horn)
I make it to the border and some douchebag border patrol guy with a power complex lets me through and back into the U.S. after witnessing some racial profiling in the toll booth next to mine. A car with a black family gets surrounded with guards and the driver taken into the offices next to the toll booths. I may be speculating, but it was a little too coincidental for a social worker from California not to read into.
I take a leisurely drive up to my campsite that i will be staying at for the next couple nights. I check in and set up my tent. I had struggled with the polls when i tried to set it up at my cousins house before i left so i was slightly nervous about the set up. It was a piece of cake. The polls went right into the holes easily. I celebrated my success with a little "woot woot!"
I explored my campground and took some pictures before the thunder and lightning started and the ominous grey clouds moved in. I headed into my tent just as the rain began to fall. I read my book and was grateful to not be moving for the next day or so. Long days of driving get to be a little much on the body after a while.
When the rain passed, i made myself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for dinner and hung out a while. It was cooler there so that was a relief and i wore my sweatshirt for the first time on the trip. I took a muscle relaxer and headed to bed.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


So apparently the universe was trying to tell me to slow down. I arrive to Denver on Sunday afternoon totally on time to chill out before a BBQ in my honor at Pam and Amanda's house. I am drinking a beer and my future roommate calls after no communication for a couple weeks. I had to say i was getting nervous about it considering we haven't met in person yet. We make a date to have coffee in the morning. Hooray! 
Ted and Emilly show up and it is soooooo good to see them. Other folks come over and we are having a BBQ! Its fabulous catching up and hanging out in the backyard. 
Pam and Amanda have a big trampoline and in all the excitement i had to try it out. So there i am jumping my heart out holding down my dress as not to flash the entire barbeque. Ted joins me. Jump jump jump i land and Crrrunch. Ouch. I totally hurt my back. The responsible girl i am, i get down and come into the house. Pam and Amanda get me some ice. I am feeling like i need to take a break. I sit. Drink some water and some beer respectively. Ted and Emilly leave after making plans for tomorrow. I am putting on my pajamas and KINK---> i fuck my back up further. I can't even move. I decide to take a muscle relaxer and sleep it off. Throughout the night i realize the severity of what i had done to my back. Getting up to go pee was the most intense experience. I almost passed out because the pain was occupying all of my lung power. 
I am thinking about my trip, i am thinking about sitting in the car and about meeting my roommate the next day. I wake up feeling worse. I have to go to the doctor. Thank goodness that my Kaiser hasn't expired yet. I call my roommate and bail. She's awesome and totally understands. The doctor says its just the muscles and to continue icing it and writes me a prescription for vicodin and muscle relaxers. 
Now i am re-thinking my route. My back is feeling better with the above combination. I have been resting and watching a lot of chick flicks. I decided to let the schedule and the route go. I am enjoying myself here in Denver. I layed out in the back yard on the very trampoline that caused my injury. I am thinking i will head straight to Ann Arbor. But i was really looking forward to the solo camping. But i am not sure if i will be able to set up my tent and how it would feel sleeping on the ground. I just have no idea what i am going to. But i guess, right now i am just chilling with Pam here in Denver. 
Pics and updates later. 

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Ugh! It has been a very long day of driving. I am so glad i am not sitting in the car right now. Today is the longest travel day on my journey, so i am grateful to have it over with already. Twelve hours in a car is pretty long. I was pretty entertained, however. I listened to music for a while and then listened to a book on CD. Thank you Kristen for that tip! 
I left my USB cord in the car otherwise i would post some pictures that i took from the car. Most of them have the road at the bottom because i didn't really get out and explore anywhere except public restrooms and gas stations. 
I saw a lizard at a rest stop in Nevada that freaked this woman out as she was going to open the door to the toilets. It was kinda funny. 
I found eastern Nevada to be very lovely. The western half after the Sierra's was a bit unattractive and sparse. Turns out i haven't actually ever been through eastern Nevada. I have been to Salt Lake City when i was 19 and searching for an undergraduate program in Pocatello Idaho. I am sad to say that i will not be exploring SLC either. I am trying to haul ass to Denver in time to have a BBQ with Pam, Amanda, Ted, and Emilly. (I AM SOOOOOO EXCITED TO SEE THEM!!!!!)
i hypothesize arriving by two pm... or three. I am going to try to get out of here by seven tomorrow morning. I forgot about the time difference too. I think its kind of strange to pass through a time zone... i mean what if you are straddling mountain time and central time? where does that put you? On the half hour? I remember my geography class and it was like a minute a mile... so this time difference thing is totally whack. I love how that is my conclusion. haha
Ahhh well i suppose i have had too much time on my own already! Talk to me in a week!! haha
I am really looking forward to my solo camping time. I think i should have brought a knife... or utensils or something. I could always just eat peanut butter and jelly. 
I ate dinner with one of the people staying at the hostel here in Salt Lake. His name was.... actually i don't remember at this moment in time. He was from New York City. He said that he had been traveling for three years!! That is crazy! He said that he was working on Wall Street at one point and decided to quit that and travel. Now he designs his own outdoor clothing line. He is going to be showing his stuff at a show with lines like Patagonia and North Face... Pretty interesting actually. He also does a travel food blog/show that he wants to sell to the Discovery Channel. He was totally a New Yorker and we had conversations that reminded me of Kristen because it just kept going and we didn't even know each other! 
It is also nice to have wireless internet. My mum's house is on the DSL so its nice to use my computer again! 
Anyway. I am gonna go watch an episode of Lost on my Netflix and head to bed. Gotta get up early! 
Hope all is well with everyone wherever you are! 


Friday, July 17, 2009

Good bye California!

sooooo... i am moving to maine. tomorrow. wow. My route is planned. My hostel booked for tomorrow. I am spending my last hours with my family. My mom and sister are sitting on the couch talking about babies. Its good to feel this family. They are the reasons that i moved back here. Its been good. It's gotten me to here.
I am totally prepared. My car is packed. My maps are preped. I have snacks for the road.
I am pretty stoked. Tomorrow is my first day and my longest day. It's gonna take me 10 hours to get to Salt Lake City. Its gonna be intense but i've got my own room at the hostel tomorrow. I can't wait to see Pam, Amanda, Emilly, and Teeeeeeddddy!!
Alright folks enough talk. I am gonna go spend time with the fam.

I love you California. See ya in a year!

Friday, July 10, 2009

The Fizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

I am officially done with all my FSSBA paperwork. Work is over. I have emailed off my outline for my internship. Found out all my loans have been accepted. It is official. I am fucking moving to Maine!!! This is insane. Now I am ready to go have drinks with the co-workers!
oooohhh I will miss you all (well, most of you anyway ;0))

Monday, July 6, 2009

Trip Deets

Sooooo.... Here is my tentative trip route. Things could change... but this is where i am right now.

Oakland---> Salt Lake City (just for the night)
Salt Lake City ----> Denver, CO (Yay Pam, Amanda, Emilly, and Ted!!)
Denver -----> Hot Springs, SD (Mt. Rushmore National Park)
Hot Springs, SD ---> Sioux Falls, SD (just for the night)
Sioux Falls ----> Mirror Lake State Park, WI
Mirror Lake ----> Ann Arbor, MI (yay Lisa!)
Ann Arbor, MI ---> Syracuse, NY (yay Gretal!!)
Syracuse, NY ---> Northampton, MA (yay Kristen and Vince!!)
Northampton ---> Portland, ME (yay grad school and final destination!!!)

View Larger Map

Ahhh i love planning trips. i wish i could do it all the time!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Spotlight on Amy

Thought it appropriate today. This song always makes me think of Amy. She is one of the most amazing people i have ever met. I am so fucking thankful i have her in my life.

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"Twenty something and fog has all but disappeared. With each day passed, i learn something more. Always i'm thinking, hell i must know it all: love, death, a little pain passed through these walls..."